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Bogachenko V.V. Deviation and marginalization as nonlinear socio-cultural invariants for the process of self-identification of social activity subject
Боринштейн Евгений Руславович The foundation of humanization and humanitarization of higher education in ukraine: socio-philosophical aspect
Sadokha O.V.

Varich N. I.

Explication of idea of justice in the philosophical and educational discourses
Golubytska G. V. Strategic representation  of  old testament historicism in  georges florovsky' history of philosophy
Zamkova N. L. Relationship between language and culture in the “national projects” of the xixth century
Kryzhantovsky A. V.

Kryzhantovskaya T. I.

The pattens of conflict as an opportunity to anticipate changing system
Krymets L. V. Scientifically-educational space is in the field of social-philosophical discursus
Melnyk Yuriy Self-awareness in the paradigm of self-identity
Nivnya Anna Ritual in the context of space symbolisation
Palchinska Marianne Theory virtualization society: a conceptual framework
Polibza H. The role of advertising communications in shaping public consciousness
Popkov Vasyl New person - mystery and meaning of christianity
Punchenko O. P.

Kozlenko P. E.

The information resources of society: the essence, structure, forms of representation and role in social development
Samchuk Larisa Language conflicts in ukraine as an object of research of philosophy of education
Timokhov О.V. Panoramic, like a special phenomenon in system of classification types of thinking kinds
Feldman O. Altruistic component of «lessons of history»
Alexis V. Halapsis Iovem imperium, or sacred aspects of roman «globalization»
Dr. Khudenko Andrey V. Pleasure: event of person incarnation (philosophical essay).
Tsybra N. Nonlinear methodology that the use of some her elements in scientific cognition
Shevchenko A. A. Social and philosophical problems of creating a culture of technical creativity of the individual in the twenty first century
Aksenova Vera Nationalist discourse ideas to the civilization of ukraine
E. Ananeva Tolerance in the development of educational systems of the countries ethno-cultural pluralism (west european society)
Mikhailik Oleg

Parvadov Leonid

Health as a humanitarian problem